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Breaking News

Trafficking Conviction Brings Justice, Thai-Cambodian Border
On May 7, 2019, a Thai judge found a Cambodian national guilty of trafficking five Cambodian victims into forced labor in Thailand’s fishing...
23 Children Held as Slaves on Island in Ghana are Free
Two girls and 21 boys between the ages of 6-16 years old were rescued out of slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana the last week in April. Two...
Justice for 33-Year-Old Flight Attendant in Kenya
After three years waiting for justice in a case of false accusations in Kenya, 33-year-old flight attendant Patrick was acquitted last month.
Justice for Burmese Victims as Traffickers Plead Guilty
BANGKOK, THAILAND—On April 23, 2019, a Bangkok criminal court sentenced two Burmese traffickers to 18 years in prison. The verdict came just two...
Arrest for Domestic Violence in Uganda
In April 2019, IJM Uganda supported police to arrest a man who had repeatedly abused and threatened to kill his wife, Betty*.
Local Partners Rescue 29 from Bonded Labor Slavery
Our mission to protect the poor from slavery and violence took great steps forward over the weekend, with two rescue operations led by IJM partners...
Violence and Confinement Common in Anti-Slavery Cases
More than 150 children, women and men are now free from bonded labor slavery already this year, thanks to the tireless collaboration of IJM staff in...
Five Boys Rescued from Goat-Grazing
Five boys who were isolated as goat shepherds for years are now resting in safety, thanks to a rescue operation led by local officials and an IJM...
Military Mechanic Gets 25 Years for Rape of Minor in Bolivia
On March 29, a former military sergeant who used his position of influence and economic power to sexually abuse and rape his stepdaughter for years...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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