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Breaking News

Six Children Rescued. Three Suspects Arrested.
On December 13 and 19, Dominican police spearheaded two rescue operations with IJM’s support. Public justice officials proactively and successfully...
12 Children Rescued from Roadside Restaurants
A 7-year-old boy was among 12 children rescued by local authorities and NGO staff over the weekend, after spending months in bonded labor at a...
First Operation of 2021 Frees 41, Including 13 Children
In IJM’s first global rescue operation of the year, our team in India supported local authorities to free 41 people from bondage at a railway...
Dominican Republic President Approves Bill to End Child Marriage
January 6, 2021 was a historic day in the Dominican Republic’s fight to protect children from violence. President Luis Abinader approved a bill that...
Dominican Republic: Congress Modifies Law to End Child Marriage
On December 30, 2020, the Dominican Republic Senate approved changes proposed by the House of Representatives to modify the Civil Code and eliminate...
Local Politician Arrested on Charges of Trafficking Five Men Into Thai Fishing Industry
NAKORN SI THAMMARAT, THAILAND - Seven suspects, including a local government official, were arrested this week on accusations of trafficking and...
Rescue in Ghana Leads to Freedom for 12-Year-Old Boy
GHANA – On November 12, police and IJM conducted an operation that resulted in the rescue of one 12-year-old boy from suspected slavery in the...
Dominican Republic Government Takes a Stand Against Child Marriage
On World Children's Day, IJM applauds the critical steps that the Dominican President and House of Representatives have taken this week to protect...
Boy Rescued and Returned Home After Three Years in Bonded Labor
Over the weekend, IJM supported local officials and our casework partners to rescue a small 13-year-old boy who had been trapped in bonded labor...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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