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Breaking News

Boy and His Family Find Freedom Amid Pandemic’s Child Labor Spike
Today, a small family in southern India is free from bonded labor thanks to the diligent work of local law enforcement and an IJM goodwill partner in...
IJM Supporting Training on Trauma-Informed Care of Survivors in Romania
“We talk about prosecutions and bringing down networks. We talk of international and internal reports that show the prevalence of the problem. But...
Eighteen Freed from a Rajasthan Brick Kiln, Including 10 Children
IJM’s casework partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JBVSS) assisted local authorities in a rescue operation to free 18 people, including 10...
Rescue of Four Victims Helps Nab a State’s ‘Most Wanted’ Trafficker
In late April 2021, IJM’s trained casework partner Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) assisted authorities in Telangana state to break up a...
The UN and IJM Partner to Improve Access to Justice for Trafficking Victims
For the first time, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and IJM have partnered to help victims of human trafficking in the Latin...
16-Year-Old Girl and Her Family Pursue Justice After Sexual Assault
Last week, in spite of numerous challenges, we saw the significant arrest of a suspect in a case of sexual violence against a child in Uganda. This...
IJM and the Dominican National School of the Public Ministry Join Forces
On March 30, the National School of the Dominican Public Ministry, the Justice Study Center of the Americas and IJM signed an inter-institutional...
Uganda Police Force Collaborates with IJM and UN Women to Improve Response to Violence Against Women and Children
As part of a grant from UN Women, International Justice Mission (IJM) gathered Uganda Police Force (UPF) Officers to review IJM’s recommendations for...
First Arrest in IJM Child Sex Trafficking Project in Kenya
After five months of evading arrest, local police working with the Department of Children Services at the Kenyan coast recently secured the arrest of...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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