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Breaking News

One of IJM Kenya's longest-fought court battles ends in justice
Nearly eight years after little Jalia* was assaulted, the court found her perpetrator guilty and sentenced him to life in prison.
UPDATE: Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare Partner with IJM to Rescue a 10-Year-Old Boy
Earlier this month, IJM worked with the Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare to rescue a 10-year-old boy who had been trafficked to...
Rescue of Four Young Brothers Kicks Off Child Labor Crackdown
Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has ordered a detailed study and crackdown on child labor across the state after a remarkable rescue...
IJM Casework Partner Helped Authorities Rescue 19 People from an Abusive Brick Kiln
On November 24, 2021, IJM’s casework partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JBVSS) helped authorities rescue 19 people from bonded labor at an...
Grandmother’s dedication inspires fight for justice after granddaughter was sexually assaulted
A man has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl.
A Wife’s Desperate Call Frees Her Husband from Bonded Labor
IJM’s partner READ assisted authorities on an urgent rescue operation, freeing one man from violence and abuse at a rural farm after he shared, “I am...
Looking Back: Two Years Since 76 People Were Rescued From Chennai Jewelry Factories
IJM staff reflects on a rescue where 76 people were rescued from forced labor in jewelry factories.
Three Families Freed from Abusive Brick Kiln by Proactive Officials
Authorities in South Asia freed 11 people—including four children—from bonded labor at a brick kiln, where they had been forced to work for two years...
Survivors of Violence in Uganda Are Increasing Awareness Through Skits
Survivor groups in Uganda perform dramas to educate the community on violence against women and children, and how to report it.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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