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Breaking News

Over 50 Police Officers in Bangladesh Trained on Anti-Human Trafficking and Victim Care and Management
IJM staff trained the officers on identifying human trafficking crimes, anti-human trafficking laws, international principles of victim support and...
IJM and Honduran Partner Obtain First Sentence in a Sexual Violence Case
After a full year of collaboration with a local partner and an Indigenous community, justice has been served for a child in a rural community in...
IJM Attends Inaugural Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children
IJM shared key recommendations at the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children
IJM Supports Cultural Institution to Launch Gender and Family Guidelines in Uganda
The new handbook on family and gender guidelines spells out ways families can peacefully coexist. It also recognizes the need to hold perpetrators of...
Survivor Group Meets with Community Advocates in Guatemala
My Story Matters, a Guatemalan survivor chapter supported by IJM, met with the Local Protection Network, a group of community leaders to exchange...
Consecutive rescues in India bring freedom and highlight increasing government dependability
Back-to-back rescues are a noteworthy display of the government’s efforts to protect vulnerable people from violence.
Court Convicts Kiln Owner and Trafficker in Speedy Trial
A surprise inspection by the Telangana Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) led to the rescue of 20 children from a brick kiln. The case took just ten...
IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability...
A 14-year-old Receives Justice After Three Years of Abuse
In a significant milestone for justice in Bolivia, a child and her family found relief and justice with the support of PROBOS, an IJM partner, a...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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