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It's Possible To End Slavery: Successful Models Exist
In IJM’s letter to President Obama this year—which more than 50,000 of you signed—we asked him to adopt an innovative approach to fighting slavery...
We Delivered Your Letters—Thank You!
Delivering the letter to President Obama that you signed was a welcome reminder to me that our government, even at the highest level, is accessible...
Exciting News From DC On Our Letter To The President!
The anti-slavery cause got a huge boost last week when a prestigious advisory group to President Obama released comprehensive recommendations on...
IJM Delivers 11,000 Letters Asking Kroger Executives: Will You Join The Fair Food Program?
Thanks to the Fair Food Program, huge progress has been made in cleaning up the U.S. tomato supply chain. But in order to ensure these...
Holly Burkhalter In The Hill: A Modest Proposal - Bill Fine-Tunes Nation's Anti-Trafficking Tools
January 2013 The movie “Lincoln” is the riveting drama of the president’s securing the crucial votes needed from the opposition party to pass the...
A Year In Review: Our Milestones In The Fight Against Slavery
What’s been most encouraging to our IJM Justice Campaigns team here in D.C. is our advocates’ persistence in making this fight against human...
News From Washington: Journey To Freedom
December 2012
End Trafficking In Government Contracting Act: Congress Heard Your Voice
International declarations and protocols have long outlawed slavery and united governments in the fight against human trafficking. But there are...
News From Washington: The Hard Work Begins
November 2012 On November 7, members of my team at IJM straggled in throughout the day after going to the polls in DC, Maryland and Virginia to...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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