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Blog: Overcoming Ordinary Terror
It's been a month since more than 200 Nigerian girls were kidnapped from their school by the militant group Boko Haram. The world has since been...
Holly's News From Washington - May 2014
In just a few weeks, 300 anti-slavery activists from 45 states will visit hundreds of Congressional offices. On the same day, hundreds of advocates...
#RecessReachOut 2014
It is summertime, and your members of Congress will soon be home for recess. This is a great opportunity for you to connect with them directly – and...
Holly's News From Washington - April 2014
There’s something very interesting going on in the House of Representatives right now.
IJM Rwanda Social Worker’s Story as a Genocide Survivor Helps her Bring Healing to Others
Brigitte takes a deep breath and smiles as she speaks. Always warm and quick to laugh, it’s clear she loves what she does. As a social worker with...
IJM Cebu: Trafficking Survivor Returns to her Hometown to Help Rebuild After Typhoon
Two years ago, Angelita* was rescued from a karaoke bar where she had been trafficked and sold for sex at just 14 years old. Angelita has...
Holly's News From Washington - March 2014
When I first came to International Justice Mission seven years ago, IJM had tens of thousands of individual friends and hundreds of churches around...
Transforming Justice In Guatemala Won't Be Easy
So many of you came alongside IJM and gave generously for our work in Guatemala, so that we can continue to fight for justice for children here and...
Holly's News From Washington - February 2014
I’m proud to recommend The Locust Effect to every one of you. It is one of the most important books you’ll ever read.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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