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Op-Ed | Missing From The UN's Agenda: Everyday Violence
Earlier this month, UNICEF released a staggering report on violence against children.
IJM Celebrates National Citizen Day by Honoring Hundreds Granted New Rights in Thailand
Today in the United States, we celebrate Citizenship Day. It’s a day to remember the creation of the Constitution and to celebrate the blessings of...
IJM President Calls Guatemalan Children His Superheroes
Two dozen boys and girls gathered with family members in IJM’s office in Guatemala on August 12. They had come on foot and by bus from all across the...
IJM President Visits Guatemala, Government Re-commits to Equip Police to Fight Sexual Violence
IJM President Gary Haugen signed a historic agreement with Guatemalan officials on August 12, which will allow IJM to train Guatemalan national...
Humans Of New York, The Locust Effect, and Our Global Fight to End Poverty
I’ve long been a fan of Brandon Stanton’s blog, Humans of New York*, for the thought-provoking profiles he captures that give us a glimpse into the...
What The Majority Of People May Not Know - And What You Can Do To Change That
As the House had passed a package of trafficking bills (our HTPA bill included) just days before, and given the anticipation of the UN’s World Day...
Determined To Make A Difference: Rain Or Shine!
#Selfie might have been the word of the year in 2013, but #selfless should be a front-runner for 2014, at least in terms of IJM advocates.
Protecting Victims Of Human Trafficking - The TVPA And Where The Focus Should Really Be
The U.S. Congress is poised to vote on repealing a provision of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) that had provided legal protection for...
No Summer Slowdown Here: Exciting Updates From Washington, DC!
This year IJM’s Advocacy Summit/Call-In Day focused on the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act (H.R. 2283/S.1249) and a Dear Colleague Letter to...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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