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Punishing The Victims: The U.S. Needs To Do Better When It Comes To Kids
On March 16, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States held an extraordinary hearing.
Bangalore Brick Kiln Owners are Beginning to Feel the Heat
It was a typical day’s work for Chandan as he drove customers around his village in the state of Odisha in his cycle rickshaw, dropping them at their...
St. Patrick's Day: A View on Suffering & Slavery
By Guest Blogger John Richmond, Former IJM India Director
A Conversation On The Future Of Fighting Human Trafficking
Last week, I attended a panel co-sponsored by The Heritage Foundation and The McCain Institute that addressed the topic of combatting human...
Behind the Suits: Meet Mark Clookie
With 4 billion people living outside of the protection of the law, IJM relentlessly works to prove that justice is possible for people in poverty....
Holly's News From Washington - February 2015
We celebrated here at IJM when Undersecretary Sarah Sewall announced to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 11th that the U.S....
Holly's News From Washington - February 2015
Although President Obama devoted the bulk of his State of the Union address on January 20 to domestic concerns, he rightly raised the issue of ISIL...
Three Things I Learned From Campaign Failure
As our team reflects on the past two years of work pushing this policy agenda forward—including hundreds of congressional meetings, thousands of...
Seahawks' Russell Okung: The Fight Against Modern Day Slavery is Ours to Win
As the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots prepare to go head-to-head in Super Bowl XLIX, Seahawks offensive tackle Russell Okung has more than...

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519.679.5030 x.229

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