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Why Rwanda Commemorates July 4: Violence Will Not Have the Last Word
Arriving into Kigali under the cover of a star-filled sky, meant we had a night of sleep before our first glimpse of the land of a thousand hills. As...
Community Joins Hands to Provide Safe Haven for Rescued Sex Trafficking Survivors
16 survivors now have an opportunity to heal in a safe place—all thanks to a partnership of two groups who wanted to make a difference.
Cambodian Officials and NGOs Gather in Momentous Two-Day Workshop
Police, government social workers, and NGO staff dedicated their time to a two-day workshop hosted by IJM Cambodia earlier this month. This committed...
Mukono Court Recognized as Model for Ugandan System
Close by the massive, three-story (and unfinished) structure of the Mukono District administrative centre stands the Mukono Magistrate’s Court. The...
Bikers Trek 3K Miles to Break the Chains of Human Trafficking
On May 24 two riders set off on an arduous cross-country bike ride with a mighty goal in mind: to break the chains of poverty and human trafficking....
What We Know About Development — And What We Need To Learn
The global fight against poverty gained an unprecedented level of attention in 2000 when the United Nations—and all its member countries—established...
Nepal Earthquake Halts World Climbing Expedition for Human Trafficking
Earlier this spring, Nick Cienski of Mission 14 and his team set out to begin his quest to complete the "6 Summits Challenge," a world record-setting...
Standing For Freedom - Texas Style
The cliché practically writes itself at this point: Everything is bigger in Texas. But they’re often clichés because they’re true! And when it came...
Behind the Suits: Meet Lisa Slavovsky
Working with IJM’s teams around the world, Aftercare Specialist Lisa Slavovskly provides essential support to the field offices combatting child sex...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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