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IJM Peru Turned Two, And Here Are Five Achievements We Are Celebrating
As IJM Peru marks its second anniversary, we celebrate the progress made in combating violence against women and children. In just two years, IJM...
Scalable model proves to be effective solution to human trafficking in India
A 82% drop in bonded labour in a region of India exemplifies the effectiveness of IJM’s collaborative anti-trafficking model.
The Joy of What Lies Ahead: A Survivor of Child Trafficking Reunites with IJM Decades After Her Rescue
Sharon Cohn Wu, now IJM North America President, was central to this 2003 rescue operation and called the reunion "a once-in-a-lifetime moment."
Three Tips for Teaching Online Safety to Kids
Summer break has officially started. Whether your family is headed to the lake, juggling summer camps, or hopping on a plane, it’s a season where...
Where Passion and Skills Intersect to do Justice in the Philippines
From Canada to the Philippines, Tryphena's passion for justice and desire to grow closer to God's work drew her to move to Cebu to complete a year...
What is the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report?
Despite being illegal, human trafficking exists around the world. We can't end modern slavery without understanding where it is, why it happens and...
Trauma-Informed Care Builds Resilience for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Violence
To ensure the best outcomes of healing, survivors need access to trauma-informed care. What is it?
Not Swift Enough: Survivors and Children Wait for Government, Industry to Act
In January explicit deepfake images of Taylor Swift exploded across the internet. Tech platforms rightfully rushed to respond yet, industry actions...
Survivors of violence need the U.S. to address online sexual exploitation to keep children safe
The CEOs of Meta, X, Snap, Discord, and TikTok testified about online sexual exploitation before the Senate Judiciary Committee. We want policymakers...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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