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Violence Against Women & Children

IJM Bolivia Cases Progress at ‘Rapid Pace’ Following New Law
Thanks to a new law, IJM Bolivia has seen “miraculous” developments in the past eight months, according to Greg Tarrant, IJM Bolivia field office...
Mumbai Priest Arrested in Occultist Ritual Admits to Exploiting Nearly Two Dozen Girls
He was a “baba,” a Hindu priest who had been sexually exploiting young girls. He claimed he had the ability to embody a djinn, “a spirit,” who would...
Strong Sentencing for Bolivian Uncle Indicates Crackdown on Family Abuse
After two years of relentless effort by the IJM team, a Bolivian man has been sentenced to 22.5 years for abusing his 7-year-old niece. Throughout...
Life Sentencing for American Expat Sends Strong Message to Sex Offenders Overseas
An American expat will spend the rest of his life behind bars for child sexual abuse crimes committed in the Philippines. A Los Angeles federal court...
Gary Haugen's TED Talk Highlights What's Missing in Fight to End Poverty
“The Locust Effect” author warns until everyday violence against the poor ends, development efforts will disappoint
Behind the Suits: Meet Lisa Slavovsky
Working with IJM’s teams around the world, Aftercare Specialist Lisa Slavovskly provides essential support to the field offices combatting child sex...
Local Radio Station Recognizes IJM Women in Leadership
Recognizing March as a month to celebrate women, a Chennai radio station recently hosted IJM Chennai’s Directors of Casework and Communications. The...
Child Abuse Perpetrator Simon Harris Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison
Justice has been served in a child abuse case that affected a large number of Kenyan children. In December, we posted about the guilty verdict in the...
Behind the Suits: Meet Mark Clookie
With 4 billion people living outside of the protection of the law, IJM relentlessly works to prove that justice is possible for people in poverty....

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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