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Violence Against Women & Children

Dominican Republic Government Takes a Stand Against Child Marriage
On World Children's Day, IJM applauds the critical steps that the Dominican President and House of Representatives have taken this week to protect...
Trauma-Informed Police Interview Room Piloted in Uganda
Uganda Police Force and IJM Uganda have partners to design and furnish a model interview room for CID headquarters in Kampala. This is to be used...
IJM Calls on Trump Administration for Aid to Central America
International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the introduction of two pieces of bipartisan legislation that authorize foreign assistance to Central...
Veronica was 8. He was her father. The abuse lasted for many years.
Veronica* was 8 years old when her father started sexually abusing her. Her mother, Leonor*, cries as she tells IJM staff how she found out. “My...
Five Convicted in Six Days for Sexually Assaulting Children
Katty* couldn’t afford a lawyer and almost dropped her case against the man who raped her as a teen.
Guatemala's First Lady Joins IJM in New Program to End Sexual Violence
Churches in Guatemala are uniting to stop child sexual assault, and their first lady wants to help. This week, IJM and partner organizations will...
76-year-old American Man Arrested, Sisters Now Safe from Sexual Predator
The day before summer break began marked the beginning of a new season for three sisters who had been groomed and abused by a 76-year-old American...
American Faces Charges in Thailand for Exploiting Street Children
An American man is behind bars and facing charges for exploiting and abusing young teenage boys living on the city’s streets. In Thailand, he faces...
Why Rwanda Commemorates July 4: Violence Will Not Have the Last Word
Arriving into Kigali under the cover of a star-filled sky, meant we had a night of sleep before our first glimpse of the land of a thousand hills. As...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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