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Violence Against Women & Children

Grandmother’s dedication inspires fight for justice after granddaughter was sexually assaulted
A man has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl.
Survivors of Violence in Uganda Are Increasing Awareness Through Skits
Survivor groups in Uganda perform dramas to educate the community on violence against women and children, and how to report it.
Conviction of Teacher in Uganda on Charges of Trafficking and Sexual Violence
The Ugandan High Court ruled to convict a head teacher on twelve counts including trafficking charges for his abuse of children at the school where...
IJM celebrates the launch of survivor-friendly interview space and shelter with police in Kampala
IJM and partners have launched a new survivor-friendly interview space and shelter for women and children who are victims of violence in Uganda.
Transformation in Kenyan justice system enables IJM project closure
After almost two decades, IJM Kenya is concluding its Sexual Violence Against Children project. The Kenyan justice system has dramatically...
How a passion for justice turned Cindi Wolk into an unlikely cattle rancher
When Cindi learned about IJM’s mission, she desperately wanted to "save the children" who were enslaved and abused. She knew she wasn’t going to be...
IJM Applauds Reintroduction of the Central American Women and Children Protection Act
International Justice Mission (IJM) applauds the reintroduction of the Central American Women and Children Protection Act (S. 2003 and H.R. 4017) in...
16-Year-Old Girl and Her Family Pursue Justice After Sexual Assault
Last week, in spite of numerous challenges, we saw the significant arrest of a suspect in a case of sexual violence against a child in Uganda. This...
Uganda Police Force Collaborates with IJM and UN Women to Improve Response to Violence Against Women and Children
As part of a grant from UN Women, International Justice Mission (IJM) gathered Uganda Police Force (UPF) Officers to review IJM’s recommendations for...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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