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Advocating For an End to Slavery from Georgia
We sat down with IJM volunteer leader, Christine Watson, to talk about her experience leading the charge for our advocacy efforts in Middle Georgia....
Raju's Story
Right now, we’re all looking forward to the moment we can reunite with families and loved ones, finally exchanging big hugs and smiles with mask-less...
Super Bowl, Olympic and World Cup Champions Team Up to Lead IJM Super Bowl LV Anti-Trafficking Campaign
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leading up to Super Bowl LV during National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month,...
Can a Call to the US Congress Help End Modern-Day Slavery?
What words come to mind when you think about the movement to end slavery? Appropriations? Legislation? State Department offices? Believe it or not,...
Rescue in Ghana Leads to Freedom for 12-Year-Old Boy
GHANA – On November 12, police and IJM conducted an operation that resulted in the rescue of one 12-year-old boy from suspected slavery in the...
U.S. Department of State, the Government of Romania and International Justice Mission Launch Trafficking in Persons Project in Romania
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11, 2020, ROMANIA — International Justice Mission (IJM), a leading global organization combatting human trafficking, violence against...
Kids and Parents Rescued After Five Years in Bonded Labor
On Thursday, October 22, IJM worked with local authorities to rescue five families from bonded labor at a wood-cutting site, where many had been...
Meet Godwin
Godwin was a bright young boy who loved to learn in school. When he was 17 years old, a woman claiming to be his relative offered to take him on a...
The Business of Trafficking Falls Apart When You Stay in the Fight
When I first started at International Justice Mission almost 15 years ago, there was very little consciousness or conversation that slavery still...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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