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Sexual Violence

Brave Girls’ Testimonies Lead to Man’s Shocking Confession
The girls were afraid to play outside. They were afraid when they heard the thrum of motorbikes passing by. The man who would take them on his...
Five Convicted in Six Days for Sexually Assaulting Children
Katty* couldn’t afford a lawyer and almost dropped her case against the man who raped her as a teen.
Guatemala's First Lady Joins IJM in New Program to End Sexual Violence
Churches in Guatemala are uniting to stop child sexual assault, and their first lady wants to help. This week, IJM and partner organizations will...
Updated: The Rescued Becomes The Rescuer
Last month, IJM Mumbai helped police rescue Zeenat* from a dark brothel with barred windows. Six cots filled the cramped room where girls were...
He Used Social Media to Advertise Girls: Now They're Safe
A man who was apparently using social media to advertise young women for sexual exploitation—including minors—was arrested this week in the...
76-year-old American Man Arrested, Sisters Now Safe from Sexual Predator
The day before summer break began marked the beginning of a new season for three sisters who had been groomed and abused by a 76-year-old American...
Maximum Sentencing Sends Strong Message To Traffickers to Stop Abuse in DR
Two Dominican men are behind bars where they will spend the next 20 years in prison for sexually abusing a young teen, receiving the maximum sentence...
Freedom Takes Time For Children Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
Five children as young as 2 years old were rescued from online sexual exploitation three months ago. Their story of freedom is still unfolding.
IJM Celebrates 10 Years of Combating Sexual Violence in Guatemala
This week International Justice Mission celebrates a decade combating sexual violence in Guatemala.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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