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Sexual Violence

Military Mechanic Gets 25 Years for Rape of Minor in Bolivia
On March 29, a former military sergeant who used his position of influence and economic power to sexually abuse and rape his stepdaughter for years...
Guatemalan Courts Take Strong Stand against Sexual Violence
In the last two months, IJM Guatemala has seen Guatemalan courts bring an end to two cases of sexual violence against children with outstanding...
12 Convictions for Sexual Violence Against Children in Uganda
Last week, IJM Uganda achieved a conviction in a case of sexual violence against a child that they had been told would be "hopeless" to win.
IJM Lawyers Secure a 70-year Sentence for a Serial Rapist in Guatemala
On August 30th, a Guatemalan judge declared a 23-year-old serial rapist guilty and gave him a sentence of 70 years in prison for raping a minor and...
Seven Sex Traffickers Convicted for Exploiting 13 Minors in the Dominican Republic
On January 22, a Dominican court held trial until 10:30 at night, deliberated for an hour, and then found seven sex traffickers guilty of selling...
Children Exploited On-Screen by American Man Finally Found in the Philippines
After a 14-month investigation, eight children are finally free from cybersex trafficking. In a joint operation involving Philippine authorities,...
Freedom Begins On The Eve Of Her 13th Birthday
Karla* celebrated her 13th birthday on March 10 with a cake and candles, beginning her teenage years in freedom.
Stardust Bar Managers Convicted, Sign of Sweeping Change in Philippines
Three traffickers who ran a large bar that was once viewed as untouchable were convicted yesterday in the Philippines. Stardust Showbar is at the...
One of IJM's Longest-Running Cases Ends in Justice for Two Girls
Nearly eight years after sisters Helen* and Emilia* were sexually abused by a neighbor, their cause was looking hopeless. The perpetrator had fled,...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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