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Sexual Violence

Survivor-Led Advocacy: “A Force of Resistance and Resilience”
From May 11 - 13, 40 survivors of violence from across Latin America gathered virtually for IJM’s first-ever “Public Narrative: Advocacy and the...
Six Children Rescued. Three Suspects Arrested.
On December 13 and 19, Dominican police spearheaded two rescue operations with IJM’s support. Public justice officials proactively and successfully...
Marielos' Story
He came into my room while I was sleeping and covered my mouth and I started to cry,” Marielos* recalled using broken sign language. She was only 16...
Aftercare, Impact and a Survivor-Led Movement
There is a style of Japanese art called kintsugi, in which an artist repairs broken pottery by using a lacquer mixed with gold. The point is not to...
Bring Violent
 Attackers to Justice
Violent criminals Vdon’t hesitate to prey on girls like Naomi because all too often there is no reliable system in place to bring perpetrators to...
Ugandan Teacher to Stand Trial for Sexual Abuse of Students
In April, IJM supported police to arrest a man who had been using his position as the headmaster of a school to sexually abuse the young boys in his...
IJM Bolivia Secures its 150th Conviction
On June 17, a Bolivian court sentenced a sexual aggressor to 25 years in prison after declaring him guilty for raping two young girls, who were just...
Jenette Helps Survivors Make Sense of their World
When a child experiences horrific forms of violence and abuse—whether enslaved in a fishing industry or forced to sell her body to men three to four...
IJM Calls on Trump Administration for Aid to Central America
International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the introduction of two pieces of bipartisan legislation that authorize foreign assistance to Central...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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