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Sexual Violence

IJM and Honduran Partner Obtain First Sentence in a Sexual Violence Case
After a full year of collaboration with a local partner and an Indigenous community, justice has been served for a child in a rural community in...
IJM Attends Inaugural Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children
IJM shared key recommendations at the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children
IJM Equips Guatemalan Investigators with Training on Photo and Video Evidence Collection
In Guatemala, over 220 investigators were taught how to gather evidence for investigations of sexual crimes against women and children. The ability...
Nine-year court battle ends with man sentenced to 70 years in prison
On August 8, 2023, with intervention by IJM Kenya, authorities and the brave testimony of two siblings, the man, who is suspected of having abused...
Man sentenced to 50 years in prison for sexually abusing a 7-year old girl
On a July evening Vania*, then 7, was walking back home from school when she met a man her family knew. The man forcefully grabbed Vania and dragged...
Man found guilty in retrial after original conviction was overturned
The perpetrator appealed the court's decision and in 2014 a re-trial was ordered because of a technicality. That setback did not stop Anna, a victim...
100 Years in Prison for Notorious Sex Offender in Kenya
NAIROBI, KENYA ­­­- On Thursday, August 4, 2022, a Kenyan court sentenced a notorious sex offender to 100 years in prison for sexually abusing four...
IJM Implementing Partner Achieves 1st Conviction in El Salvador
After eleven months of hearings and against all odds the Salvadoran Association for Rural Health (ASAPROSAR), IJM’s implementing partner, achieved...
Conviction of Teacher in Uganda on Charges of Trafficking and Sexual Violence
The Ugandan High Court ruled to convict a head teacher on twelve counts including trafficking charges for his abuse of children at the school where...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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