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Sex Trafficking

Survivor-Led Advocacy: “A Force of Resistance and Resilience”
From May 11 - 13, 40 survivors of violence from across Latin America gathered virtually for IJM’s first-ever “Public Narrative: Advocacy and the...
Lara's Story
The night of her rescue, 15-year-old Lara* was overwhelmed and confused. On one hand, she was afraid. Lara felt responsible to support her mother and...
IJM Kenya Launches New Project to Address Child Sex Trafficking in Mombasa
Thursday, March 25, 2021 — International Justice Mission (IJM) has recently launched a project that aims at protecting thousands of children living...
Three Teens Rescued. Two suspects arrested.
On February 26, Rocio* a 16-year-old girl, and other two victims were rescued in an operation led by the Dominican Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU)...
IJM and AERODOM Join Forces to End Trafficking in the Dominican Republic
On February 25th, IJM and Dominican Airports XXI Century (Aerodom), the largest network of airports in the Dominican Republic, signed an...
Appeals Court Increases Sentence in Trafficking Case
On February 9, the Criminal Court of Appeals in the Dominican Republic more than doubled a sentence, going from six years to 15, against the leader...
Six Children Rescued. Three Suspects Arrested.
On December 13 and 19, Dominican police spearheaded two rescue operations with IJM’s support. Public justice officials proactively and successfully...
Aftercare, Impact and a Survivor-Led Movement
There is a style of Japanese art called kintsugi, in which an artist repairs broken pottery by using a lacquer mixed with gold. The point is not to...
Dominican Republic Government Takes a Stand Against Child Marriage
On World Children's Day, IJM applauds the critical steps that the Dominican President and House of Representatives have taken this week to protect...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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