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Labor Trafficking

Fourteen Children and Teens Freed from Abusive Plastics Factory
An IJM partner helped authorities free 14 trafficking survivors from a plastics factory where they had been forced to work for the last eight months.
IJM Partner Helps Rescue 40 People from Bondage at a Road Construction Site
IJM’s casework partner Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) supported the local government in rescuing 40 people—including 11 children—who...
Sustained Restoration: Kasthuri, Venkatesh and Shakthivel Thriving in Freedom
As we combat violence around the world, IJM’s global aftercare teams are committed to helping survivors overcome their trauma and begin flourishing...
Three Boys Free in Ghana: “I Do Not Want to Go Back There”
The Ghana police and Department of Social Welfare joined IJM on June 20th to carry out an operation to bring three boys identified as trafficking...
Family Freed from Five Years of Bondage at a Poultry & Goat Farm
On June 18, IJM’s casework partner SHED India helped local officials rescue four people from a farm where they had been enslaved for the last five...
Boy and His Family Find Freedom Amid Pandemic’s Child Labor Spike
Today, a small family in southern India is free from bonded labor thanks to the diligent work of local law enforcement and an IJM goodwill partner in...
Eighteen Freed from a Rajasthan Brick Kiln, Including 10 Children
IJM’s casework partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JBVSS) assisted local authorities in a rescue operation to free 18 people, including 10...
Indian States Mark ‘Bonded Labor Abolition Day’ on Law’s Anniversary
On February 9, several Indian states took remarkable steps to combat modern slavery, as they commemorated the anniversary of the country’s original...
Call for Help From Workers at a Sweets Factory Brings Rescue
Bangkok, Thailand - IJM Thailand assisted Thai authorities this week in a rescue operation of 18 Myanmar migrant workers who were reportedly held...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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