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Human Trafficking

Two Convicted in 2015 Trafficking Case; Brothel Ordered to Close
Justice was served in a Mumbai Sessions Court this week, as two local traffickers were found guilty for exploiting five girls and young women at a...
International Justice Mission Welcomes Release of 2021 TIP Report
International Justice Mission (IJM) today welcomed the release of the 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) by the U.S. Department of...
How a passion for justice turned Cindi Wolk into an unlikely cattle rancher
When Cindi learned about IJM’s mission, she desperately wanted to "save the children" who were enslaved and abused. She knew she wasn’t going to be...
IJM Partner Provides Frontline COVID-19 Relief in Devastating Second Wave
As India manages its recent COVID-19 surge, IJM’s compassionate front-line partners are providing critical relief to impoverished children and...
IJM Supporting Training on Trauma-Informed Care of Survivors in Romania
“We talk about prosecutions and bringing down networks. We talk of international and internal reports that show the prevalence of the problem. But...
Rescue of Four Victims Helps Nab a State’s ‘Most Wanted’ Trafficker
In late April 2021, IJM’s trained casework partner Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) assisted authorities in Telangana state to break up a...
The UN and IJM Partner to Improve Access to Justice for Trafficking Victims
For the first time, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and IJM have partnered to help victims of human trafficking in the Latin...
IJM Staff Teach Innovative Human Trafficking Course for Law Students
In May 2021, IJM Mumbai completed its first full run of an innovative, five-month elective program for students at a prestigious local law school....
IJM and AERODOM Join Forces to End Trafficking in the Dominican Republic
On February 25th, IJM and Dominican Airports XXI Century (Aerodom), the largest network of airports in the Dominican Republic, signed an...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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