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Human Trafficking

St. Patrick's Day: A View on Suffering & Slavery
By Guest Blogger John Richmond, Former IJM India Director
IJM Joins in International Day of Prayer Focused on Human Trafficking
A bipartisan group of Senators, led by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN), introduced legislation today that would marshal...
Two Reasons Why We Are Celebrating the Cromnibus
The new omnibus spending bill has two important wins for IJM.
48th World Day of Peace: "Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters"
Today marks the 48th World Day of Peace, a day commemorated by the Catholic Church to bring peace to every corner of the globe. Each year, the pope...
Football Players, Men in Kilts Join Dressember Movement in Fight for Justice
A simple fashion challenge—wear a dress every day in December to fight for the inherent dignity of all women—has spread far and wide in quest to help...
IJM’s Holiday Catalog Features 100+ Gifts to Bring Light to World’s Darkest Areas on Giving Tuesday
Instead of opening gifts this Christmas, many of the poorest and most vulnerable will open their eyes to another day enslaved, oppressed and afraid....
'Dressember' Movement Celebrates Femininity to Hit Hard at Human Trafficking and Violence Against Women
Wear a dress every day in December; Funds raised will support International Justice Mission’s groundbreaking work to free women in oppression
Tennessee Declares "IJM Day"
Tennessee is the focal point this week for the national and international fight against human trafficking. Events scheduled today, Friday and...
IJM Urges the United Nations to Add "Protection from Violence" As a Key Goal for Ending Poverty and Ensuring Human Rights Extend to All
International Justice Mission (IJM) hosts online forum in support of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and MDG500 on Aug. 18 This Monday, IJM will...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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