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Human Trafficking

IJM and Police Rescue Girls from Trafficking Aboard Moving Train
MUMBAI, INDIA – Four girls as young as 10 were rescued last week from a moving train headed hundreds of miles away from their home to Mumbai.
Community Joins Hands to Provide Safe Haven for Rescued Sex Trafficking Survivors
16 survivors now have an opportunity to heal in a safe place—all thanks to a partnership of two groups who wanted to make a difference.
Young Women Rescued From ‘VIP’ Rooms at Seemingly Innocuous Bar
Four young women who were once exploited in “VIP rooms” in a seedy bar in the Philippines are now free. This past month, the local anti-trafficking...
Bikers Trek 3K Miles to Break the Chains of Human Trafficking
On May 24 two riders set off on an arduous cross-country bike ride with a mighty goal in mind: to break the chains of poverty and human trafficking....
Australian Arrested in Philippines for Abusing School Children
Michael Refalo, a 61-year-old Australian national, is now behind bars, arrested on two charges of human trafficking by Philippine authorities. The...
Trafficking Ring Run by Thai Monks Crumbles with Leader Behind Bars
A Thai monk known as “Pra Chai” is behind bars for trafficking and exploiting teenage boys. Pra Chai is the sixth Buddhist monk to be convicted for...
Nepal Earthquake Halts World Climbing Expedition for Human Trafficking
Earlier this spring, Nick Cienski of Mission 14 and his team set out to begin his quest to complete the "6 Summits Challenge," a world record-setting...
Dozens of IJM Clients Safe in Nepal; Staff Warn of Increased Trafficking Risks Following Earthquake
After the catastrophic earthquake that has so far claimed thousands of lives struck Nepal on Saturday, April 25, IJM’s team in Kolkata started trying...
IJM President Gary Haugen is Speaking at TED2015 Today
Today, in Vancouver, Canada, IJM President and Founder Gary Haugen will be delivering a TED Talk at the marquee TED event of the year. TED2015's...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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