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Human Trafficking

IJM Cambodia’s first cross-border labor trafficking conviction brings down major trafficking ring
SIEM REAP, Cambodia – Three key players in a human trafficking ring were convicted by a Siem Reap court last month for trafficking six Cambodians...
24 Children Forced to Work on Lake Volta Are Now Free
On January 24, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys who had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta.
Three Women Convicted for Trafficking after 7-Year Trial
On Wednesday, IJM celebrated justice served for three young survivors of trafficking, as the women who sold them into the sex trade were at last...
Cambodian Woman Rescued from Bride Traffickers in China
Sophea* is finally free, after months held captive in China. The young woman thought she was moving to get married, work and support her family back...
IJM Launches Project to Combat Labor Trafficking in Cambodia
USAID/Winrock International Grant to Address Cross-Border and Domestic Labor Trafficking
Stardust Bar Managers Convicted, Sign of Sweeping Change in Philippines
Three traffickers who ran a large bar that was once viewed as untouchable were convicted yesterday in the Philippines. Stardust Showbar is at the...
The 2015 Trafficking In Persons Report Is Here—Help Spread The Word!
The release of the 2015 TIP Report presents a great opportunity for anti-slavery advocates across the country to take action!
This Abolition Advocate Has Something to Ask *You.* Meet Rusty.
As we continue building support for the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI) Act, we asked Rusty Havens, a dedicated advocate, why he's rooting for...
Three Bangladeshi Women Rescued in Kolkata Red-Light District
This week, police in Kolkata enlisted IJM’s help in rescuing three young women trafficked from Bangladesh and forced into prostitution in one of the...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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