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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)

IJM Statement on Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Big Tech and the Online Child Sexual Exploitation Crisis
IJM supports the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with five tech CEOs on the subject of online sexual exploitation of children. We urge Congress to...
Survivors of violence need the U.S. to address online sexual exploitation to keep children safe
The CEOs of Meta, X, Snap, Discord, and TikTok testified about online sexual exploitation before the Senate Judiciary Committee. We want policymakers...
Four Ways the EARN IT Act Protects Kids Online
The EARN IT Act is one piece of legislation before Congress that aims to protect kids online. What does the bill do? Who supports it? What can you do...
Trafficker Gets Four Life Sentences for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Arrested after offering to sexually abuse her 6-year-old son and a one-year-old girl for profit, a 32-year-old trafficker has been sentenced to four...
IJM Applauds Senate Passage of the REPORT Act
IJM welcomes the Senate passage of the REPORT Act, a bipartisan bill which will advance online protection measures for children around the world.
Ruby's Story
When Ruby* was just 14 years old, her parents died, leaving her grieving and alone on their family farm in the Philippines. She thought...
Advocates Ask Congress to Fight Online Child Abuse in IJM Lobby Day
IJM hosts advocates in Washington, D.C., to urge policymakers to support the EARN IT Act (S.1207 / H.R.2732).
IJM Testifies on Exploitation of Children Before House Judiciary Committee
IJM’s Vanessa Bautista and John Tanagho called on Congress to compel online service providers to act proactively against child exploitation on their...
1 in 100 Children Sexually Exploited in Livestreams, New Abuse Images and Videos in the Philippines Last Year, Driven by Foreign Demand
IJM in partnership with the Nottingham Rights Lab releases Scale of Harm study which measured the prevalence of the trafficking of children in the...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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