Thaddaeus Nichols | Book an IJM Speaker
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As a church engagement advocate and Vice President of Partner Programs, Thaddaeus has a passion for teaching churches about God’s heart for justice.
Event Types: Culture, Church Engagement, Leadership, Biblical Justice, Movement building
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Thaddaeus serves as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications, where he is at the helm of strategizing and leading the teams responsible for scaling IJM’s work. His team has launched new partnerships with Major League Baseball, the Super Bowl, the global rock band OneRepublic and others. They’ve also developed a social influencer program and innovative workplace engagements with corporations like Google, TopGolf and Chick-fil-A.

Prior to his current position, Thaddaeus served as IJM’s Director of Church Engagement, where he worked to equip churches to teach about God’s heart for justice. During that time, he launched the U.S. Freedom Sunday campaign. This campaign empowers churches with resources to dedicate a Sunday to teaching their congregations about injustice and encouraging them to act in tangible ways.

Before joining IJM in 2017, Thaddaeus served in various development roles with other non-profits. He has an MBA from Cornell University and a bachelor’s degree in church history and philosophy from Moody Bible Institute. He lives in Washington, D.C., where he can often be found playing soccer or exploring the city.

Ending slavery is generational type change. The reality for the grandchildren of those rescued today will be far different because of the kingdom impact today.

- Thaddaeus Nichols

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Vice President of Strategic Partnerships

more about amanda

CEO of International Justice Mission

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Director of Church & Ministry Partnerships

more about leo


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We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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