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Director for US Government Affairs, James is passionate about partnering with local governments to strengthen justice systems.
Event Types: Government activation, Thought Leadership, International Justice
James Headshot 2x


James currently serves as the Director for US Government Affairs at International Justice Mission. Prior to this role, James spent 4 years as the Country Director for IJM Uganda, where he led a multi-disciplinary team of investigators, lawyers and social workers to combat violence against women and children through collaborative casework and other justice system strengthening activities.

Before joining IJM, James served as General Counsel for NYC’s Office of Emergency Management, where he was responsible for ensuring NYC’s emergency plans were inclusive for people with disabilities.

James also worked as an Appellate Intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and then as an Assistant Case Manager on the defense team for Goran Hadzic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hauge, Netherlands.

James has a JD from New York Law School and a BA in Journalism from the University of San Francisco. He is also a returned US Peace Corps Volunteer (’06-’08) from the Eastern Caribbean Region. He currently resides in Alexandria, VA with his wife, Paris, son, James Tendo and their Ugandan dog, Lainey.

It’s estimated there are a staggering 5 billion people who live in the ‘Global Justice Gap’, meaning they live without the benefits or protection of the law. Understanding their specific unmet needs in varying contexts is crucial to ultimately transforming communities, empowering survivors and changing the way governments protect their most vulnerable citizens.

- James Foster

James Foster Quote



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Petra Kooman

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519.679.5030 x.229

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