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Resources for Your Family

Bring your whole family into the heroic movement to end slavery in our lifetime.

Meet Arul and Pachayamma

Read their story and use the discussion questions to guide a conversation with your kids about their story before starting the activities below.

Week 1 Activities

Use Your Imagination

This is how our artists see Arul and Pachayamma living in freedom. Draw a picture of series of pictures of how YOU see Arul and Pachayamma.

Do Some Writing

What do you think the word "freedom" means to Arul and Pachayamma? Write a few sentences, a 500-word essay or a freedom poem. You can even include it in your homeschool curriculum!

Discuss as a Family

How can you use your voice like Arul and Pachayamma to help those still trapped in slavery?

Week 2 Activities

Read a Story Together

Read Drops Join Together - How one girl's bravery brings rescue from slavery

Make a Snack

Enjoy making Mango Lassie Pops together. These are a delicious twist on a popular South Asian drink. The best part? They're simple to make!

Do Some Writing

Use these prompts to write a few sentences, a 500-word essay, or even a poem.

Week 3 Activities

Read the Comic Together

Read about Pachayamma’s brave choice to speak up for other people.

Guide Arul and Pachayamma Through the Maze

Help Arul and Pachayamma rescue people hidden in slavery!

Do Some Coloring

Break out your paints, coloring pencils, or crayons again to color in this portrait of Pachayamma.

Do Some Writing

Explore what bravery and standing up for others means to you with these writing prompts!

Week 4 Activities

How Arul and Pachayamma are Helping Their Neighbors

With so much of the world today shut down because of COVID-19, Arul and Pachayamma knew that many survivors can't read or don't have access to watch the news, and many of these survivors were vulnerable to the virus. So Arul and Pachayamma and their friends have traveled to visit over 200 families to share important information about the virus, proper handwashing techniques, and how to keep themselves safe through social distancing.

Read About Kids Just Like You

Read about how two brothers from Arlington, Virginia, are helping people on the other side of the world.

Get Creative

Use these prompts to write a short paragraph, poem or even a research essay.

Learn a New Language

Watch this video of Anu George from IJM Canada as she teaches you a few simple phrases in Tamil - the same language Arul and Pachayamma speak!

A special incentive to celebrate hope!

If your kids participate in one activity from each week of resources, we'll send them an exclusive Arul and Pachayamma iron-on patch that they can iron to a backpack, jacket, or wherever will help them to remember this special story.

Snap a photo of your activities and send to to earn your patches.

Moms, looking for a resource to use in your own devotional time?

Check out The Justice Collective, a study we created in partnership with MOPS International. During this time, we're offering it for free download!

Read, pray and dance with us!

We recorded these special livestreamed events, so you can watch them anytime with your family.

The Sharing Hope Show for Kids

Watch it here!

Watch a storybook reading and dance party with songwriter and musician Ellie Holcomb alongside Mandy Arioto from MOPs International.

Interview with Anu George

Watch it here!

Don't miss out on this special interview of IJM's own Anu George as she shares stories of hope from her experience leading IJM rescue operations.

Goodnight Prayers with IJM

Watch it here!

Follow along with Executive Director of IJM Canada, Anu George as she leads us in praying for the world's most vulnerable and celebrating in prayer the stories of hope that keep us going. Bonus: she also teaches a few simple phrases in Tamil, the language Arul and Pachayamma speak!

Special Thank You to Our Partner

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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