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The Problem

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Children are sexually exploited by traffickers who livestream and record their abuse for paying customers online. The Philippines is one of the largest known sources of this crime.

Online sexual exploitation of children(OSEC) is when perpetrators pay traffickers to produce images or videos of the sexual abuse of minors. It is a rapidly growing crime in the Philippines due to widespread poverty, availability of internet access, and broad English language proficiency. Girls and boys are forced to perform sex acts, often by a parent or relative, or are exploited in other violent ways.

83% of sex traffickers are family members of the abused child. (IJM, 2020)

The median age of victims is 11 years old and the average period of abuse is 2 years. Nine percent of victims were 3 years old or younger. (IJM, 2020)

1 out of every 100 children in the Philippines was a victim of OSEC in 2022. (IJM, 2023)

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Our Solution

End Violence by Ending Impunity

When violent offenders are held accountable for their crimes, we know the abuse of children who are vulnerable is significantly reduced—we’ve seen it.

Together, we’re strengthening justice systems to combat this crime by training law enforcement, public prosecutors, judges and partner organizations that provide aftercare for child survivors—setting a global standard of excellence in combatting this crime.

IJM Philippines

Our 20-Year Partnership with Philippine Law Enforcement

We work with Philippine authorities to hold criminals accountable for exploiting children and to prevent abuse. This helps create communities where all children can be safe and protected.

IJM-supported operations of online sexual exploitation of children (as of September 2024)
Victims and Children At-risk

We partner with NGOs, governments and industries to expose and stop online sexual exploitation of children around the world.

We combat livestreamed child sexual abuse that uses globally accessible technology and financial platforms, targets people vulnerable to this crime and involves remote offenders who can be anywhere in the world.

The Center to end osec helps catalyze a global movement to end the demand for online sexual exploitation of children and build safe communities where children thrive.

Improve detection and reporting within technology and financial sector platforms.

Strengthen international collaboration in law enforcement and prosecution.

Support effective justice system responses in source and demand-side countries.


Scale of Harm:
Estimating the Prevalence of Trafficking to Produce Child Sexual Exploitation Material in the Philippines

Learn more
Meet Aaron

Aaron's abuse was livestreamed through a screen just like this one.

When he was rescued, Aaron* was tiny and fragile. He longed to be held and cared for. He was only two. Because of people like you, IJM was able to play a pivotal role in the investigation of Aaron's case and push forward the rescue operation which finally freed him.

Today, Aaron is safe in a loving foster home and receiving ongoing trauma therapy. His foster parents shared, "Aaron says that we are his home, and this is where he feels safest."

Help Survivors of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Together, we can protect children vulnerable to this crime so that they are never abused in the first place. Will you send rescue and protection until every child is safe?

Learn more about our Casework

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Police Abuse of Power

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Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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