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PFO webpage 2018 Chennai Volunteer Team Trip Approved for Full Use 190423 142705

Bring your church to the front lines of the mission

Explore what partnership with an IJM Field Office looks like for your congregation

A church partnership with an IJM Field Office means that your congregation has a real connection with God's work of justice around the world.

Field Office Partnership at a Glance


Real connections and heartfelt responses

"Redemption Hill Church (RHC) decided to partner with an IJM field office because we believe that slavery and trafficking deeply grieves God and we wholeheartedly support the mission to end it.

Becoming a Field Office Partner and having the opportunity to provide support, encouragement and prayer has enabled us to engage in a way that facilitates real connections and invokes heartfelt responses for our congregation.

Small groups within our congregation have sent cards, letters, and gifts to the field office staff to remind them that they are always in our thoughts and prayers.

Writing to them leads us to meditate on their hard work. It causes our hearts to break a little more for the injustice they face on a day-to-day basis and facilitates an even more heartfelt rejoicing when we receive reports of good news from the field.

RHC has really been made to feel like a valuable partner in IJM's fight against slavery and violence. We feel as though we are not just being updated about ad hoc operations, needs and prayer requests, but that we are a part of the whole journey for IJM in our office's region."

"It’s so good to know that there is a church (RHC) and there is a family out there who actually prays for me.

This work is tough, but with their prayers and support, I know every day I can make it go forward. I’m encouraged, truly, because it’s a beautiful card. Thank you!”

IJM Staff Member

"It’s so good to know that there is a church (RHC) and there is a family out there who actually prays for me.

This work is tough, but with their prayers and support, I know every day I can make it go forward. I’m encouraged, truly, because it’s a beautiful card. Thank you!”

IJM Staff Member

What does partnership look like? It starts with a video introduction

Watch how IJM Bangalore welcomes its church partners

It's sustained by regular updates

We know it can be challenging for your members to feel connected to work that's far from home. That's why weprovide you with regular updates that are easily shareable during prayer meetings, on announcement slides, and in Sunday bulletins.

It's sustained by regular updates

We know it can be challenging for your members to feel connected to work that's far from home. That's why weprovide you with regular updates that are easily shareable during prayer meetings, on announcement slides, and in Sunday bulletins.

Your partnership comes to life by building a connection

Contact us at to see what Field Office partnership would look like for your church.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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