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The Problem

Domestic Violence

Home should be a haven of safety and peace, but for many women around the world it is a place of violence and fear.

In certain countries, a man may assault his wife simply for burning dinner. When women involve the authorities, police may be untrained in how to respond. The concept of separating or leaving one’s husband or partner can seem impossible to women who are dependent upon abusive husbands and partners for food for their children. And in some countries, abuse is even considered acceptable: 57% of Ugandans believe that specific circumstances justify acts of domestic violence against women.

46% percent of ever-married women in Uganda say that they are afraid of their current or most recent partner some or most of the time.

1 in 3 Ugandan women have experienced spousal violence in the last 12 months, according to a 2015 report.

Bolivia, Colombia and Peru ranked in the top 5 countries in Latin America with the highest level of intimate partner violence, according to a World Bank report.

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Our Solution

Our Community Protection Model

We don’t stop at rescuing people who have been abused. Our goal is to prevent violence from happening in the first place.

That’s why IJM and our partners collaborate with local authorities to serve individual survivors of domestic violence, pursue sustainable improvements in the justice system and build communities where all people can expect to be safe and protected.

Our Response

IJM combats domestic violence in Uganda and Latin America

Our Approach Includes:

PROTECT AND RESTORE VICTIMS: We partner with local authorities to conduct rescue operations and ensure each victim of domestic violence is safe. We create individualized care plans to help each person heal from trauma and pursue dignifying jobs and educational opportunities.

BRING CRIMINALS TO JUSTICE: We advocate for police reports to be filed against those who have committed the abuse, and we support their prosecution.

STRENGTHEN JUSTICE SYSTEMS: We provide hands-on mentoring for law enforcement, government officials and partner organizations. We also create social demand and advocate with state and national leaders to make ending domestic violence a top priority.

Our Results

IJM conducted a pilot project in northern Uganda to determine the effectiveness of IJM’s approach to protect victims of domestic violence and bring perpetrators to justice.

IJM assisted in 10 cases in the 2018 project.
By the pilot’s conclusion:
Suspects were
were Convicted
Survivors received legal and social services

Justice Review: A Journal of Protection and Justice for the Poor

IJM's Justice Review is a compendium of studies of forced, trafficked labor commissioned by International Justice Mission.

Read report
Meet Camila*

Camila thought he was the love of her life. Instead, he tried to kill her.

When Camila was 14, her mother passed away, and she had to move in with her father. She was young, confused and trying to adapt to her new life when she met a man who knew he could take advantage of her situation. Camila fell in love with him and they were together for many years.

But the boyfriend she trusted attempted to kill her. Despite all the odds against her, Camila recovered from her injuries and is living what she calls her “second chance in life.”


Help Survivors of Domestic Violence Today

Home should be a place of safety and peace, not violence and fear.

Learn more about our Casework

Violence Against Women and Children

Women and children are particularly vulnerable to violence when no laws are enforced to protect them.

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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

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Police Abuse of Power

When police are free to misuse their power, vulnerable people are the ones who suffer from their violent actions and false accusations.

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Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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