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Woman’s Arrest Frees Her Sister & Cousin from Sex Trafficking

Local police and IJM staff conducted a successful rescue operation on April 11 to free two teen girls and apprehend one woman who was selling them for sex.

Police managed to intercept the suspected madam in a Mumbai suburb, just as she was transporting the girls to sell them again in a private appointment. Authorities believe the girls are her younger sister and cousin, who are likely 14 and 17 years old but had been given fake IDs.

Both the madam and the victims came from the Bedia community in India, wherein girls are expected to maintain a family tradition of prostitution. It was the second rescue operation this local police station had conducted in one week related to the Bedia community.

Police have booked the suspected madam under India’s anti-trafficking and child exploitation laws.

The rescued girls are now in safe custody and getting immediate crisis aftercare support. Authorities will confirm their ages and help them move into a long-term aftercare home where they can heal physically and emotionally.

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