Tribeca Film Festival Virtual Reality Documentary Brings Viewers on Modern Slavery Rescue Operation | International Justice Mission shield arrow-simple-alt-top arrow-simple-alt-left arrow-simple-alt-right arrow-simple-alt-bottom facebook instagram linkedin medium pinterest rss search-alt twitter x video-play arrow-long-right arrow-long-left arrow-long-top arrow-long-bottom arrow-simple-right arrow-simple-left arrow-simple-bottom readio arrow-simple-top speaker-down plus minus cloud hb pin camera globe cart rotate star edit arrow-top arrow-right arrow-left arrow-bottom check search close square speaker-up speaker-mute return play pause love

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Tribeca Film Festival Virtual Reality Documentary Brings Viewers on Modern Slavery Rescue Operation

A revolutionary new virtual reality film – The Hidden – is premiering at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival. The new documentary takes viewers on a rescue operation to free modern day slaves in India, as part of Tribeca’s Immersive program. Created by Lindsay Branham in collaboration with International Justice Mission (IJM) and Oculus VR for Good, The Hidden puts viewers right into the middle of the most brutal human rights crises of our day: modern-day slavery.

Many are unaware that there are more people living in slavery today, than at any other time in human history — 40+ million women, men and children. In an effort to tell the story of those whose lives go unseen by man, The Hidden take the viewer on a real life journey a family that was enslaved in a rock quarry in southern India for 10 years. The family was brutally forced into bonded labor over a paltry debt of $70 USD. Indian government representatives, supported by IJM, staged a daring raid to free the family.

“Virtual reality is opening up a new world of storytelling that can spark action and ignite change at a whole new level. It’s not just seeing anymore, but it’s really engaging in a fully immersive way. Films like The Hidden will help many empathize with some of what it’s like to live as a modern-day slave,” said Jeremy Steffens, Vice President, Global Brand and Communications. “We are excited to see how this film will help advance the fight to end slavery in our lifetime, and send rescue to families like this in the most vulnerable parts of our world.”

International Justice Mission is the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization working in 17 communities across the developing world to combat slavery, trafficking, and other forms of violence against the poor by rescuing and restoring victims, holding perpetrators accountable, and transforming broken public justice systems.

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