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Seahawks' Russell Okung: The Fight Against Modern Day Slavery is Ours to Win

As the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots prepare to go head-to-head in Super Bowl XLIX, Seahawks offensive tackle Russell Okung has more than just the game on his mind.

“When I learned there were 36 million people living in modern day slavery—at this very moment—I was blown away by what seemed like an impossible number," said Okung. "This year, the Super Bowl falls on National Freedom Day, which celebrates the abolition of slavery in America, and when I think about how valuable freedom is in this country, I can’t help but think that freedom must be possible for the millions around the world who are entrapped in slavery of all kinds. International Justice Mission is working tirelessly to rescue victims and mend broken justice systems—they are driven by the hope of freedom, and have given me hope that the fight against modern day slavery is ours to win.”

Playing in the Super Bowl AND fighting slavery? Now there's a modern day hero.

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