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Rescue in Ghana Leads to Freedom for 12-Year-Old Boy

GHANA– On November 12, police and IJM conducted an operation that resulted in the rescue of one 12-year-old boy from suspected slavery in the fishing industry.

Addo* had spent most of his life working in the fishing industry, with various fishermen sometimes sending money back to his mother for his labor.

He had previously worked for another fisherman with the promise of payment when his term of work was finished – instead he was returned to his home without any pay after more than two years on the lake.

After that fisherman died, his son returned for Addo, forcing him to fish for him six days a week. A co-worker of the fisherman would physically abuse him, and the boy had sores on his feet and other scars on his body at the time of rescue.

“Going for fishing is very difficult work,” Addo explained. “I am excited I am off the lake, but please don’t take me back. I want to go to school.”

The suspect is in police custody and Addo has been placed in a temporary shelter to receive aftercare services.

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