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IJM Launches Global Strategy Accelerating the End of Slavery

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 — International Justice Mission (IJM) launched a decade-long strategy – its 2030 Vision – to rally global societies to invest in and urge justice system reform in the most vulnerable areas of the world where the poor aren’t protected from violence.

IJM, the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, is calling for a global synergistic effort with the global public, influencers, non-governmental organization, corporations and governments in order to end impunity where criminals face no deterrent to perpetrating modern-day slavery, violence against women and children and other forms of violence.

In order to most effectively accelerate these efforts, the organization has gone through a robust re-engineering of its business operations. It will now be organized by five regions and led by regional leaders reporting into IJM Global President, Sean Litton.

As part of this announcement the following leaders have been named: Melissa Russell, Regional President, North America; Christa Sharpe, Regional President, Asia Pacific; Pablo Villeda Ortiz, Regional President, Latin America; Saju Mathew, Regional President, South Asia; and IJM is conducting an external search for the position of Regional President, Africa & Europe. Global Programs & Partnerships will continue to be led by Blair Burns.

“We believe that for the first time in human history, we can end slavery in our lifetime. And we believe this is the team with the experience and leadership to rally this global movement and see it happen,” said Sean Litton, Global President. “This leadership team is squarely focused on working alongside partners to bring justice and relief to millions who are living without the protection of the law.”

About International Justice Mission:

International Justice Mission is the largest international anti-slavery organization working in 19 program offices in 11 countries across the developing world to combat slavery, trafficking, and other forms of violence against the poor. IJM works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and help transform broken public justice systems. Learn more at www.ijm.org.

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