IJM’s Holiday Catalog Features 100+ Gifts to Bring Light to World’s Darkest Areas on Giving Tuesday | International Justice Mission shield arrow-simple-alt-top arrow-simple-alt-left arrow-simple-alt-right arrow-simple-alt-bottom facebook instagram linkedin medium pinterest rss search-alt twitter x video-play arrow-long-right arrow-long-left arrow-long-top arrow-long-bottom arrow-simple-right arrow-simple-left arrow-simple-bottom readio arrow-simple-top speaker-down plus minus cloud hb pin camera globe cart rotate star edit arrow-top arrow-right arrow-left arrow-bottom check search close square speaker-up speaker-mute return play pause love

IJM’s Holiday Catalog Features 100+ Gifts to Bring Light to World’s Darkest Areas on Giving Tuesday

Instead of opening gifts this Christmas, many of the poorest and most vulnerable will open their eyes to another day enslaved, oppressed and afraid. With close to 2 million children in the commercial sex trade (UNICEF)and nearly 36 million held in slavery around the world (Global Slavery Index), International Justice Mission’s 2014 Holiday Gift Catalog allows individuals to shine a light in the darkest places on earth by giving the gift of rescue from violence and oppression.

From fully funding a sex trafficking rescue operation to sponsoring a lawyer to defend those who have been abused, this Giving Tuesday, IJM is offering more than 100 gift ideas ranging from $25 to $7500, and providing rescue, safety and care for those in need.

“The 2014 IJM Gift Catalog is a meaningful way to embody the true spirit of giving that comes with the holiday season,” says Tina Hudgins, IJM’s Director of Fundraising. “Each gift, no matter how large or small, will provide a critical component to ensuring the safety and dignity of the world’s poorest—and that is something to celebrate.”

“As we begin putting up lights and candles to celebrate the holidays this Christmas season, IJM is challenging revelers to go one step further and consider how we can unite to BE a light to the darkest places in the world,” says Mindy Mizell, IJM’s Global Public Relations Director. “Giving Tuesday is extremely special as it is one day where the world pauses to consider ways we can give back and the holiday gift catalog has more than 100 options that can change lives in just a matter of seconds.”

Some of the most popular gifts in the 2014 IJM Gift Catalog include:

Fight Sex Trafficking: For $30 to $300 IJM will find women and girls being exploited now and get them the safe aftercare they need. This gift helps stop criminals from abusing others and advances IJM’s work with local leaders to prevent sex trafficking long-term.

Fight Slavery: IJM works with local law enforcement to find slaves, bring children and families to safety, and collect evidence against slave owners. A gift of $150 covers a share of a slavery rescue operation, while $4,500 funds an entire rescue operation, which can free dozens or hundreds in a single day.

Defend Vulnerable Widows and Orphans: This gift can protect vulnerable families from violence, win back their stolen property, and ensure their continued safety. For $30 to $300, IJM will help widows get back on their feet to provide for their family and make sure orphans are cared for as they grow up.

In 2013, the Gift Catalog raised more than $400,000 thanks to the many who decided to stand up against the violence and oppression that plagues the most vulnerable. To date, IJM has rescued more than 19,000 people from violence and oppression, and currently protects more than 21 million individuals in nearly 20 communities around the world.

With an estimated 4 billion people still living outside the protection of the law, it remains more important than ever to continue to give one of the most meaningful gifts of all—freedom from violence and oppression.

This Christmas, the best gifts can’t be wrapped.

View the IJM 2014 Gift Catalog here: www.ijm.org/giftcatalog.

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