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IJM Uganda Helps Bring Justice to a Mother of Twins

“You saved me,” the mother of twins sees her husband convicted after he repeatedly assaulted her for asking him to help with child support.

Britney,* a 23-year-old mother of 17-month-old twin girls, didn't have enough income to care for her children, but she couldn't count on her husband to provide for them. Instead, whenever she sought his help to care for their daughters, she endured violent physical assaults. The abuse began in January and lasted until November 2022. Despite her efforts in filing two complaints with the police, she did not receive any help. Britney had to rely on a friend to support her with basic needs such as food.

IJM Uganda learned about the case and intervened on November 14, 2022. Three days later, the perpetrator was arrested and sent to prison.

IJM worked with local authorities to bring Britney to safety and provided her with psychosocial support, as well as essential supplies for herself and her children.

On July 5, 2023, the Gulu Magistrates Court sentenced the perpetrator to one year in jail after he was found guilty of committing the offense of physical assault.

“Having evaluated the evidence of the prosecution and accused, I find that the prosecution has proven the case of assault occasioning bodily harm against the accused beyond reasonable doubt and, therefore, find the accused guilty. I hereby convict him of the offence of assault occasioning bodily harm contrary to Section 236 of the Penal Code,” reads the verdict signed by Mirriam Amoro, the Grade One Magistrate.

Section 4 of the Domestic Violence Act 2010 says any person in a domestic relationship who engages in physical abuse commits an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment not exceeding two years or to a fine, or both.

In response to the verdict, IJM Legal Coordinator in Gulu, Ms Florence Lora Atim commented, “It shows that the judiciary is cognizant of the importance of deterring the crime. This case will create awareness in the community where the couple lived that physical assault is a crime.”

Britney expressed her gratitude when she received the news that justice had been served, saying, “You saved me…I have nothing… only God will reward you all!”


*To protect IJM survivors, we have used pseudonyms.

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