International Justice Mission and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Bulgaria Sign Cooperation Agreement to Enhance Regional Response to Human Trafficking in the Context of Ukrainian Refugee Crisis
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IJM and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Bulgaria Sign Cooperation Agreement to Enhance Regional Response to Human Trafficking in the Context of the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis

SOFIA, BULGARIA – International Justice Mission (IJM) and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB) for Bulgaria sign collaboration agreement aimed at preventing, reducing and detecting crimes related to human trafficking and trafficking in minors in Bulgaria, while also ensuring protection and a continuum of care for victims. The agreement is part of International Justice Mission’s project “Regional Response to Trafficking in Persons within the Ukraine Crisis” funded through the U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.

Traffickers are known to exploit vulnerable populations from Eastern Europe (especially Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary), with an estimated 2 million people being held in slavery in Europe today. Moreover, following the invasion of Ukraine, millions fled the country for safety, with most transiting countries of Eastern Europe where criminal networks are known to operate, leaving refugees vulnerable to trafficking risks. As the 2022 UNODC GLOTiP report plainly states: “War and conflict offer hunting grounds for traffickers.” The report anticipates a marked increase in the number of Ukrainian victims of trafficking in Europe as the number of war refugees seeking asylum grows.

Given that human trafficking deprives persons of their fundamental rights and carries with it enormous human, social and economic costs, the agreement between International Justice Mission and NCCTHB in Bulgaria offers the framework for cooperation to implement programs and joint activities for the prevention, detection and investigation of offences related to human trafficking, focusing on protecting refugees who have fled Ukraine, as well as Bulgarians and Romanians that face this horrible crime.

“A strong message is being sent with the signing of this partnership - that human trafficking is an important issue for the Bulgarian government and the people of Bulgaria. With the large population of Ukrainian refugees displaced from their homes and families because of the war, the risk of human trafficking has significantly increased. International Justice Mission’s strongly believes in the criminal justice system’s role in ending impunity and is looking forward to collaborating with the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for Bulgaria to support survivors and ensure accountability.”, says Shawn Kohl, Director for the European Anti-Trafficking Program, International Justice Mission (IJM).

“Coordination at national and international level and commitment to joint efforts are the foundation for achieving better results in combating trafficking in human beings. Through collaboration with partners like IJM, we will easily identify the challenges and provide an adequate response to the evolving trends in this crime. It is important to unite our strengths - the state and its institutions, international partners and representatives of the non-governmental sector”, considers Daniela Saveklieva, Secretary of the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (NCCTHB).

Over the last decade, International Justice Mission’s projects measurably reduced exploitation rates by 50-85% in jurisdictions across Southeast Asia, Africa and the Americas where government and civil society partners have worked together. International Justice Mission launched in Romania its European Anti-Trafficking Program at the end of 2019 with the goal of supporting governments to end impunity for cross-border trafficking by building a cohesive and responsive regional network of law enforcement agencies and partner organizations to facilitate proactive cooperation on investigations, prosecutions, and survivor care.

Since launching its European Anti-Trafficking Program, International Justice Mission has assisted over 120 victims of human trafficking - most of them being Romanian citizens, has trained in Romania over 1,000 criminal justice actors and community responders and has already seen over 40 convictions for human trafficking offences in cases IJM supported. Therefore, IJM is looking forward to the opportunity to extend support, expertise and resources to Bulgaria, working closely with NCCTHB and with Animus, the Centre for the Study of Democracy, Dignita and People to People, NGO partners within the “Regional Response to Trafficking in Persons within the Ukraine Crisis” project, funded through the U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.


About IJM

International Justice Mission is a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence. IJM partners with local authorities in 31 program offices in 16 countries to combat slavery, violence against women and children, and police abuse of power against people living in poverty. IJM works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable and help strengthen public justice systems.

International Justice Mission launched its European Anti-Trafficking Program at the end of 2019 with the goal of supporting governments across Europe to end impunity for cross-border trafficking. In 2023, International Justice Mission has received funding from U.S. Department of State - Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons to ensure the continued protection from human trafficking of Ukrainian refugees and other vulnerable populations in Romania and Bulgaria. The grant-funded project which will last three years, will be implemented by IJM in collaboration with People to People, partner NGOs in Romania and Animus Association, Center for the Study of Democracy and Dignita, partner NGOs in Bulgaria.

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The National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Bulgaria was established by virtue of the Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Act. The Chairperson of the NCCTHB is Ms. Mariya Gabriel, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. It determines and administers the implementation of the national policy and strategy in the area of combating trafficking in human beings. The National Commission under the Council of Ministers organises and coordinates the interaction between separate institutions and organisations executing the Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Act. It works to prevent trafficking in human beings and to protect, assist and reintegrate victims of trafficking.

The National Commission develops annually a National Programme for Prevention and Counteraction of Trafficking in Human Beings and Protection of the Victims, which is approved by the Council of Ministers. It researches, analyses and reports statistical data on human trafficking. It carries out information, awareness and education campaigns aimed at potential victims of trafficking. It manages and supervises the activities of the Local Commissions for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the centres for protection and support of victims of trafficking. It also contributes to international cooperation for prevention and counteraction of human trafficking.

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