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IJM and the Dominican National School of the Public Ministry Join Forces

On March 30, the National School of the Dominican Public Ministry, the Justice Study Center of the Americas and IJM signed an inter-institutional agreement to train judges, prosecutors, and police on how to best address trafficking in the country.

Through ongoing training, research and postgraduate training this partnership will strengthen officials from the public justice and security systems to successfully respond to violence, provide effective protection on a large scale, and contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of trafficking for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation wich disproportionally affects children and young women.

“Through this agreement, we want to have an impact on the most precious thing that the planet has: the human being. We work for the quality of life to be equal for all […] in the end the efforts of these institutions will result in hope in the lives of many people and many families who look for effective and timely justice,” said Marien Montero Beard, Dean of National School of Public Ministry.

The fruits of this agreement aim for long-term impact, including the issue of trafficking in the already established training curricula for prosecutors, judges and police will ensure nationwide justice operators will be equipped. This also provides education on a large scale, allowing workshops to be held for more than 200 participants at the same time. In addition, these trainings will include research activities, participation in seminars, lectures and academic meetings, exchange of academic materials and other information, short and long-term special academic programs.

José Monteiro, IJM Country Director for the Dominican Republic, explained “this agreement represents a great achievement for IJM in the Dominican Republic because partnering with the main actors of the public justice system is what ensures the sustainability of the changes that are taking place within the justice system to protect millions”.

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