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Holly's News From Washington - September 2012

September 2012

On September 4, friends of IJM made at least 2,399 phone calls urging their Senators to pass the most important piece of human rights legislation of our day: the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA). I say "at least" 2,399 because that is how many calls were logged on IJM's Justice Campaigns website, but many others probably called and asked their friends and relatives to do the same. Together, we reached 98 Senate offices!

I just want to say thank you, from all of us at International Justice Mission. Congress' failure to pass the TVPRA is a disgrace. This legislation, first passed in 2000, is our nation's blueprint for combating slavery at home and abroad. It has been revised and renewed every two or three years and, each time, Congress has passed the Act unanimously. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act was one area where policymakers across the political spectrum could come together and improve our nation's anti-slavery laws. But that process broke down this year. Congress has allowed partisan politics to derail the bill in the House and slow its progress in the Senate.

Last week, tens of thousands of Americans, including our 2,399 friends, told the Senate to get to work on the TVPRA. For those 47 Senators who have co-sponsored the TVPRA, those calls were a great opportunity for Senate staff to tell callers, Thanks for calling! We're co-sponsors, and we're on your side! Two additional SenatorsSenator Collins of Maine and Senator Bingaman of New Mexicohave since co-sponsored the bill. For those Senators who haven't yet co-sponsored, lets hope September 4 was a wake-up call.

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