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Elderly Man Freed and Reunited with Family after 20 Years

A bonded labor inspection led by local officials in Tamil Nadu resulted in the urgent rescue of an elderly man, Appa Rao, who had been forced to work as a shepherd for 20 years. After rescuing him, authorities launched a dedicated search for Appa Rao's family. Over a month later his daughter was miraculously found, resulting in a tearful reunion.

TAMIL NADU, INDIA – Sixty-year-old Appa Rao’s two-decade-long ordeal began when he lost contact with his wife and daughter in Andhra Pradesh while traveling for work with a group of men on a train in the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu. Appa Rao is unable is recall the name of the station, but he had stepped off the train to buy a cup of tea when the train suddenly left and he was alone in an unfamiliar state.

Appa Rao remembers that he was lost, vulnerable and hungry, yet he boarded another train hoping to catch up with the other laborers. A local farm owner met him on the train, saw that Appa Rao needed a job, and brought him back to tend the farm owner's sheep. Appa Rao quickly discovered he could not leave.

After five years, the farm owner passed away, but the exploitation continued. One of his relatives took ownership over the farm and forced Appa Rao to work for the next 16 years until he was rescued.

In those two decades, despite his frail and aging frame, Appa Rao was forced to walk long distances to graze sheep in the isolated countryside. He repeatedly asked the owner for money to return to his family, but he was never paid wages and only given food.

Authorities End Two-Decade-Long Abuse

Officials found the elderly man watching over a flock of sheep on January 31, 2025 during a worksite inspection tied to Bonded Labor System Abolition Day, an annual commemoration of India’s main bonded labor law celebrated in multiple states.

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Appa Rao speaks with local officials on the day of his rescue.

When the officials spoke to Appa Rao, he shared that he had lost all contact with his family. He had a hard time communicating due to his years of isolation and spoke a confusing blend of two languages. All he knew was the vague name of his small home village, Kakinada.

Seeing Appa Rao’s poor living conditions and stories of mistreatment, local authorities immediately moved to prioritize his safety. Since Appa Rao did not know where his family was or how to get back home, officials temporarily moved him to an elderly care home. They committed to helping him find his family and began the critical steps of securing his freedom: preparing a Release Certificate to declare him free and providing him financial assistance for his rehabilitation.

Local Officials, News Outlets, and NGOs Pick Up the Search

The following day, authorities arrested the farm owner, took him into custody, and registered a formal complaint against him for violating Indian laws on human trafficking and bonded labor. IJM and one of our goodwill partners supported the government by providing guidance on bonded labor procedures throughout this rescue.

Meanwhile, news of Appa Rao's ordeal and heartbreaking family separation captured the hearts of local media and government alike.

In the month that followed, print and digital journalists raised awareness of his case, while Tamil Nadu officials collaborated with Andhra Pradesh officials and led an earnest search. IJM also connected with a local NGO in Andhra Pradesh called ROPES, who took Appa Rao’s photo to local communities and tried to identify someone who might recognize him.

Anjayya rescue search

In March, BBC News Telugu scoured many villages looking for anyone who might recognize Appa Rao.

Government officials left no stone unturned in their search to find Appa Rao’s family, but it was difficult. Appa Rao only remembered Andhra Pradesh from 20 years ago, before it was split into the two separate states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The current state of Andhra Pradesh alone has a population that is greater than the state of California, in an area less than half its size.

The search pushed into its fifth week and IJM staff and prayer partners around the world began to pray for a miracle.

A Family Reunited

On March 13, 2025 government officials miraculously found Appa Rao’s daughter and her husband in Manyam district, 200 miles away from the home village Appa Rao remembered. They immediately took an 800-mile journey to see her long-lost father in Tamil Nadu.

The next day the family was reunited after 20 years apart.

Today, Appa Rao is back home with his family. He was shocked to learn that his wife had passed away but was happy to see his daughter grown-up and married.

Appa Rao’s Freedom and Secure Future: A Testament to Government’s Relentless Efforts

To ensure Appa Rao’s continued well-being, local officials sent him home with monetary support. They also ended his two-decade-long abuse by issuing a Release Certificate, a document that canceled the owner’s hold on him. Despite the numerous challenges, government officials persevered and ensured that Appa Rao had all that he needed to help him recover in freedom.

IJM’s team in Tamil Nadu will continue to support the local authorities as they pursue legal action against the owner. Meanwhile, IJM’s team in Andhra Pradesh will work with partners to help Appa Rao on his road to full restoration.

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Appa Rao holds his Release Certificate that officially declares him free.

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