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We’re Celebrating Because of You!

All around the world, we are dancing, cheering and celebrating because of what you helped make possible in 2024.

Five reasons we’re celebrating our way into the new year because of you!

Thanks to you, we’ve seen more victims rescued, more survivors restored, more communities strengthened, and more progress towards a future where all are safe and free.

And we haven’t even seen the full extent of your impact throughout the past year! IJM field offices are still sending updates about the transformative impact of your support – and we can’t wait to recap it all for you in our upcoming Year in Review. But we just couldn’t wait to share the good news. So here are five reasons to celebrate with us as we close out an incredible year of impact.

  1. We’re ready to unleash a tidal wave of protection for vulnerable people across South Asia

In South Asia, we are celebrating increased momentum in our expansion across 10 states, as well as the launch of a new office in Bangladesh. By expanding into these densely populated regions where exploitation often occurs, IJM can begin collaborating with the local government to help protect millions more people from exploitation and abuse.

One of the ways IJM helps justice systems better protect vulnerable people is through intensive training programs that also help strengthen our trust and credibility. You can read more about the impact of our training in Bangladesh here.

2. A Courageous Crew of Survivors fighting to end child trafficking in Ghana

    Our office in Ghana is cheering on the progress made by local Global Survivor Network (GSN) chapters toward building lasting change in their communities. One GSN chapter called the Courageous Crew has harnessed their experience and influence to end child trafficking in Ghana by launching a campaign that led to the opening of six cases being reported on the very first day!

    The Global Survivor Network is a survivor-led movement with chapters in vulnerable communities all around the world. Through their voices, lived experience and courageous leadership, they are shaping and informing the ways we work to protect people in poverty from violence. Learn more about the incredible work of the Global Survivor network on their webpage.

    3. Survivors across Latin America have united to protect children from sexual violence.

      Our offices in Latin America are celebrating IJM-supported survivors from 15 countries who recently gathered to create a regional movement that combats sexual violence against children. The ‘Brave Movement’ has already made significant progress in protecting children from widespread abuse.

      They are responsible for the creation of a key report that calls for the elimination of the statute of limitations for cases of sexual violence against children. This report is a crucial piece of advocacy for child survivors who would otherwise never experience justice because of existing laws that prevent legal action for crimes that occurred beyond a certain timeframe.

      The Brave Movement is just one example of how survivors are coming together to lead us into a future where the safety and protection of vulnerable people is not the exception but the norm. Check out this news story for more about the Brave Movement.

      4. IJM Philippines Director honored by U.S. Department of State for his role in protecting children from online sexual exploitation

        Our offices in the Philippines are proudly celebrating National Director Attorney Sam Inocencio, who was selected as a recipient of the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Hero Award by the U.S. Department of State. This award is the highest honor given by the U.S. government to recognize extraordinary leadership in the fight against trafficking and slavery, and a resounding affirmation of the impact and effectiveness of IJM’s work in the Philippines to protect children from harm.

        For over 20 years, Atty. Sam has guided the team’s efforts to rescue and restore 1,400+ children from the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC), forged groundbreaking partnerships with the government, and helped decrease child sex trafficking by more than 77% across three provinces in the Philippines. Under Atty. Sam’s leadership, our team in the Philippines continues to shift the local narrative around trafficking, transforming the country from a hotspot of OSEC into a recognized global leader in combatting the crime.

        To learn more about the TIP Hero Award and IJM’s work in the Philippines, check out this news release.

        5. IJM Romania receives grant to help protect children vulnerable to trafficking

          Our office in Romania is celebrating a US$10 million grant awarded to IJM and World Vision to lead a Child Protection Compact in Romania. This grant from the U.S. Department of State will enable IJM to lead a consortium and work with the U.S. and Romanian governments to create a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach to protecting vulnerable children from this pervasive crime.

          Through this grant, IJM hopes to expand its work to address related crimes that have facilitated a rise in trafficking in the region. By combatting crimes like online grooming, sextortion and the webcam model industry involving minors, our team in Romania is hopeful they can turn the rising tide of trafficking into a rising tide of justice and protection.

          Read more about the grant and its objectives here.

          Every IJM office around the world has unique milestones and accomplishments to celebrate. But they all have a unified theme: you.

          Because you give generously toward the work of justice, thousands of people who were once enslaved and trafficked are now free. Because you courageously advocate for a future of safety and freedom, millions of people no longer live in fear of violence because they are now protected. And with your continued partnership into 2025 and beyond, we can continue to bring rescue and protection to those who need it most, every day, until all are free.

          Make sure you’re following us on social media so you can share the joy of justice with your community.

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          More Information

          Petra Kooman

          Director of Marketing and Public Relations
          519.679.5030 x.229

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