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C6 2020 Hero

A new future is possible. With you, justice will be unstoppable.

In May, we saw CHANGE happen. A rescue operation freed 360 children, women and men from bonded labor slavery in South Asia.

These migrant workers had been stranded due to coronavirus lockdowns, but media and advocacy around the rescue inspired authorities to ask for 30 other brick kilns to release all of their laborers - and arrange for the return of about 6,750 people in just 48 hours.

In unprecedented times, we are so thankful for this unprecedented rescue - nearly 7,000 people brought to safety. Let’s keep the momentum going.

Newly released migrant workers.


Together with you, local partners, field staff and survivors, we will create a future that is free of abuse and trafficking – even during a lockdown. See how everyone is showing up amidst a pandemic to keep this fight going.


Some of the most inspiring leadership has come from survivors of slavery and violence themselves—as evidenced by the quick and compassionate work of a survivor network emerging in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. 

Formed just before the pandemic, in December 2019, “Jeevana Jwala” is a network of survivors of bonded labor who are helping to advocate for the needs of their own community. Their name means “Light of Life,” since these survivors wanted to be a light to their community. 

One leader called Manikandan has helped distribute food support, saying, “I am glad that at this moment of despair and need, we as leaders of Jeevana Jwala can pitch in and help. I am happy I am doing something for my people.”


IJM first heard about a case of sexual exploitation in the Dominic Republic from a local partner. They had contacted local authorities in their region but had yet to receive support. IJM then alerted national authorities of the complaint. As the investigation took place, we provided critical training and support for law enforcement officials who led the rescue.

At the suspect’s home, local authorities found five women and a 14-year-old girl unclothed and in a state of stress. Prosecutors arrested the five suspects who will be investigated for various crimes, including sex trafficking.

After the rescue, the teenage girl was transferred to a safe home run by the Dominican Child Welfare Agency (CONANI). IJM has partnered with CONANI for the past few years to improve the quality of support for survivors of sex trafficking.


Just a few weeks ago, a senior officer in the Ugandan police unit responsible for investigating gender-based crimes reached out to IJM.

This officer wanted to see if there was an “emergency fund” she could use to support her officers. Their already-limited resources were re-purposed for enforcing public safety under the new COVID-19 guidelines, which made responding to cases involving violence against women and children inherently more difficult.

The IJM Uganda team didn’t hesitate to deliver supplies to the Ugandan police unit. These supplies will be used to set up a temporary shelter in Kampala so police will have a place to bring women and children who are fleeing increased domestic violence.

In addition to assisting local law enforcement, the team has been ensuring clients have basics during this time, such as food, shelter and hygiene kits.

Hope is not lost.

Because of you, we can continue our work around the world.

Will you join this fight to end slavery in our lifetime?

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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