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Sean Litton

20 Years of Commitment to the Mission

“After 20 years of committed and tireless leadership at IJM, Sean Litton has announced his departure to pursue a new chapter. On behalf of IJM staff and thousands of clients around the world whose lives have been impacted by his leadership, we celebrate the two decades of exemplary service that he has invested into this mission. As Global President, Sean brought his singular gifts to build up IJM’s leadership and set the organization on a course to pursue our 10-year vision. As God leads Sean into the next season of his career and life, I am thankful for his service and for the impact he had on making IJM a global force to make justice for the poor possible. I am excited to see the work God does in and through Sean in this next season.”

Gary Haugen,

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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