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Yes, match my one-time Year-End gift!

Your gift will be matched, up to $292,500, when given before December 31 to help send urgent rescue to children trapped in modern slavery and bring traffickers to justice. Give now!

Help rescue and restore survivors every month and have your Year-End gift matched!

By giving monthly today your first gift will be matched, up to $292,500, to end this year strong. Your ongoing support will ensure that each month in 2024 and beyond brings freedom to children and families trapped in modern slavery.

Help rescue and restore survivors all year and have your gift matched!

Give an annual gift today and it will be matched, up to $292,500 to help rescue and restore more survivors in the year ahead. Your generous gift helps bring freedom to children and families trapped in modern slavery.

Select or Enter Gift Amount:


Or give using your Donor–Advised Fund Donor-Advised Funds

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Your Donation: $50 + $ fees

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Your Donation: $50 + $ fees

You are giving a one-time gift.

Give with confidence BBB Accredited Charity and Guidestar Platinum Participant

  • *Identities changed for protection. Each gift is a contribution to the entire mission of IJM and will be used to meet IJM’s most pressing needs. Gifts given by 11:59 p.m. on December 31 will double in impact up to a total of $292,500.