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Your Donation: $ + $0.46 fees

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Give with confidence BBB Accredited Charity and Guidestar Platinum Participant

Give to the Justice Box Project and receive a beautifully illustrated keepsake card as a reminder of the impact you are creating.

We hope the card is a constant reminder of IJM and the power of coming together around a common cause. These gifts will provide rescue and safety to children, women and men in need where it is needed most. You are making our most urgent work possible!

Jb investigate hero

The Power of your Gift

From last-minute rescues to lasting restoration, people like you help us do it all.

For $3,130 the Investigations Box raises the equivalent cost of equipping and sending investigators for ten days.

Rescues don’t happen without all the right tools and carefully executed investigations. You can give our investigators all that they need to get the job done safely and successfully.

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*Funds will be directed to IJM’s most urgent needs. The boxes represent IJM’s projects at the time of writing, and the costs are based on average expenses across the organization. You can make our most urgent work possible with these gifts!