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Protect Children as a Freedom Partner

Your monthly gift will help vulnerable children and families waiting for rescue, and protect survivors of trafficking and violence.

Right now, we’re reaching out to current Freedom Partners to thank you for your generous support of the work of rescue and to invite you to make an even bigger impact by increasing your monthly gift. Our calling team through our trusted partner ArtsMarketing may reach out to you by phone during the months of March, April, or May. Whether you are able to increase your gift or not, please know this: We are so grateful for your unwavering support of IJM during this challenging season and for standing with those waiting for freedom and restoration. Thank you!

Increase your gift today to help even more children and families waiting for rescue.
Double your Impact

The Problem

In this moment, innocent people are being beaten, abused, raped and enslaved. When you become a Freedom Partner, you ensure the work of rescue can and will go on—no matter what. Will you join the growing movement to put human trafficking and slavery out of business for good?

Here's Where the Problem Begins

Traffickers buy and exploit children for sex.
Families are tricked into forced labor and abuse.
Perpetrators intimidate and silence victims.
It ends with you. Join the movement.

Freedom Partners are people like you. People who propel our work, from rescue to restoration. And because of you, we can unlock the door to freedom for every person trapped in violence.

How It Works

Freedom Partners sustain the work of healing, justice and rescue. Together, we’ve rescued more than 50,000 people—and we’re just getting started.

Here's what your monthly support can do:


Helps investigate causes of trafficking and violence

Give This Gift


Helps fund part of a rescue operation

Give This Gift


Helps fund trauma-focused counseling

Give This Gift

I have become a Freedom Partner because I believe a free world is a better world for all of us, for our children and our future generations and certainly for those enslaved. If one person is a slave, then we all are slaves and we are all oppressed. I see a world where my children are not at risk for enslavement and want to work to create that truly free world.

Dr. Kim Tillemans Obstetrics & Gynecology

My wife and I chose and continue to choose to give to IJM as Freedom Partners because IJM is joining with Jesus in bringing heaven to earth - now. IJM is brilliantly, intentionally and passionately working towards the restoration of all things, and my wife and I want to join them, even if just financially for now, in helping them do that.

Elliott Cherry Pastor, Midtown Fellowship, Nashville, TN

We are Freedom Partners because the strong must defend the weak.

Dave and Katie Brindley

You're committed to justice. We're committed to you.

Exclusive News Stories

Get exclusive stories of rescue and transformation delivered right to your doorstep.

Freedom Partner Community

Connect with others in your Freedom Partner Community who are committed to the work of rescue and justice.

Insider Updates

You’ll get insider updates, breaking news stories, and exclusive invites to IJM events.

Support Team

Our support team is on hand for questions about your donations or IJM’s work.

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

Learn More

Thank you for signing up to learn more about starting a fundraiser. We will be in touch soon!

In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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