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Corporate hero

Join multinational corporations and foundations working with IJM to defend human rights.


Leading corporations and foundations are committed to achieving sustainable development targets and delivering on human rights due diligence – especially when seeking an end to forced labor and protecting workers from exploitation. Businesses cannot solve these crises alone. And they don’t have to.

International Justice Mission seeks to collaborate with partners in a variety of industries to help them deliver goods and services in a way that respects human rights and supports global sustainability commitments.


Being among the first to tackle a complex problem is never easy. We continuously face new and ongoing challenges when safeguarding human rights and advancing sustainability – but corporate leadership can promote a better quality of life for employees, their families and communities impacted by business operations. Investing in scalable, lasting solutions – like building the capacity of governments and law enforcement to protect workers – can change the ecosystem across supply chains in key jurisdictions and support responsible business practices.

Together, we will develop and implement a tailored plan to meet your specific commitments with integrity and discretion.


  • Due Diligence Insights
  • Baseline Assessments
  • Prevalence and Impact Measurement
  • Project Reports and Infographics


  • Customized Interventions
  • Sustainability Strategies and ESG Input
  • Training Justice Officials and Law Enforcement
  • Community Empowerment and Education
  • Ethical Recruitment Jurisdictions
  • Migrant Workers Education on Labor Rights
  • Public Awareness on Forced Criminality


  • Government Engagement
  • Responsible Sourcing and Worker Protection
  • Survivor Healing and Reintegration


IJM teams around the world are ready to deliver powerful, data-driven results on human rights protection and sustainability issues.

Learn more about our work around the globe.


We base the design and management of our programs on evidence we collect through rigorous documentation, monitoring and evaluation.

Talk to our team

Interested in learning more about how IJM can help you achieve your human rights goals and business needs? Submit this form, and we’ll be in touch.

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Corporations and foundations can strengthen justice systems and protect human rights while achieving ethical growth. Read real examples of tremendous impact where IJM and its partners have achieved sustainable results.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Project Lantern: Successful Reduction of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines

read more about this article

Walmart Foundation

Combating Labor Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry

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Target Corporation

Eliminating Forced Labor in India

read more about this article

UBS Optimus Foundation

Justice, Hope and Liberty Initiative: Ending the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Bangladesh

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The Rise of Modern Slavery and Its Place in Corporate Compliance

Dow Jones webinar featuring IJM’s Andrey Sawchenko, Regional Vice President, Forced Labor Programs, Asia Pacific.

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The Global Security Threat Posed by Southeast Asia’s Criminal Enclaves

U.S. Institute of Peace panel featuring Jacob Sims, Senior Technical Advisor on Forced Criminality.

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Institutional Partners

As a proven U.S. government program implementer, we collaborate with local authorities and communities, civil society, and survivors to create scalable solutions for justice systems reforms.

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Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains

Our groundbreaking model reduces business risk by preventing forced labor and creating an ecosystem that protects workers from exploitation.

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Child Labor in the Cocoa Supply Chain

Together with our partners, we are determined to eliminate forced child labor in the regions where goods are procured.

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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

We’re supporting collaboration between law enforcement, financial institutions and the tech sector to protect children.

learn more about this article

Meet the Team

  • Sharon Payt

    Vice President, Corporate and Government Partnerships

  • Char Caldwell

    IJM Global Director of Business Development & Corporate Partnerships

Media Contact

We're here to answer your questions. Please fill out the form below and someone from our team will follow up with you soon.

More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

Make an Impact

Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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